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Pas de panique - choisissez Adhitan.

Formation en ligne sur l'investissement et webinaires dispensés par des experts avec plus de 10 ans d'expérience.

Se former est la clé du futur.

Nous proposons des cours de trading de qualité, compréhensibles et interactifs.
Découvrez le monde de l'investissement avec Adhitan.

Nous proposons des formations de haut niveau :

Beginner Course 250

Aimed at individuals with no prior knowledge of trading who are looking to either begin a career in finance or effectively manage and secure their finances.

Crypto Insights Course 500

Customised for beginners and experienced investors, the Crypto Insights Course provides an in-depth exploration of blockchain technology and fundamental trading techniques.

Expert (Strategies) Course 1500

Designed for seasoned traders, this course equips participants with diverse strategies and advanced execution skills to excel in the most complex market scenarios.

Advanced (Fundamental) Course 2500

Crafted for traders who have grasped the basics, this course delves into fundamental analysis, empowering participants to make informed and strategic trading choices.

Advanced (Technical) Course 750

Tailored for traders with a foundational understanding, this course focuses on honing advanced technical analysis tools to enhance the precision of trading decisions.

Daily Market

Join our Daily Market page, tailored for traders seeking insightful perspectives and in-depth analysis of today's market dynamics. Discover our complimentary live video sessions, where our experts offer a comprehensive overview of the current market trends.

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Attention !

Les mentors Adhitan vous offrent une formation commerciale de premier ordre.
Néanmoins, nous ne sommes pas une plateforme de trading.
Découvrez nos cours de formation sur le Des plans page!

Ne soyez pas timide —
optez pour un diplôme Adhitan !

Un certificat signifie la réussite des cours Adhitan et valide les connaissances et les compétences acquises dans le commerce. Il sert de reconnaissance tangible des réalisations de l'étudiant et peut améliorer sa crédibilité et ses perspectives au sein de l'industrie du trading.

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Découvrez l'avis de nos étudiants sur l'enseignement Adhitan !

Oliver Woodward Sophia Lambert Eric Powell Robert Dunn Noah Bennett Dane Ross
Oliver Woodward
I decided to start trading and took a moderate approach. The market now allows everyone to start trading with zero knowledge and learn everything in practice. That is not my choice. I wanted a reliable mentor who would introduce me to trading and help me avoid common pitfalls. I am happy to have Adhitan as my first trading tutor. There was a well-systematised course for beginners with simple explanations and many quizzes designed in a way to promote your self-learning. Thank the team of Adhitan! They did a great job!
Sophia Lambert
This is the best start for anyone who wants to trade in the current markets. Adhitan offers not a dull theory that you can find on the internet for free. But each lesson offers a real market problem, a solution, and an explanation of how to solve such problems and what approaches are there to such problems. With this course, I started to better understand the market.
Eric Powell
I am rather sceptical about online courses. But Adhitan proved that an online course could be of great practical value. I learned how to plan my trading activity, cope with emotion and make data-informed decisions. Now I do not take random actions on the market volatility.
Robert Dunn
Adhitan helped me to grasp the basics of trading. In-depth materials of the course in video format are great for comprehension, even for such students as I am with zero knowledge.
Noah Bennett
A great refresh of my experience! I started trading on my own and have been trading for three years. The Intermediate level course filled the gap in my knowledge. And I see results now!
Dane Ross
I like the organisation of the learning process. Adhitan gives videos and quizzes for self-checking knowledge. The support instantly responds to my requests. There was trouble with video playback; the technical assistant helped me right away after my request.

Avec Adhitan, vous bénéficiez :

De webinaires éducatifs sur des sujets pertinents pour différents niveaux de formation, des débutants aux professionnels.
L'analyse continue des instruments liquides ou pertinents par les experts d'Adhitan.
De trading en pratique avec le soutien de mentors pour affiner vos compétences et vos connaissances et accroître votre niveau d'expertise.
Une entraide et une collaboration avec des personnes partageant les mêmes idées au sein de notre communauté conviviale.
Une nouvelle activité professionnelle indépendante offrant de nouvelles opportunités et de nouveaux revenus.
Des quiz, des outils essentiels pour les traders, du vocabulaire, du matériel de qualité (livres et articles), et bien plus encore !

Market Wizards : Entretiens avec les meilleurs traders

par Jack Schwager
Explore plus

Comment faire du day trade pour gagner sa vie : un guide du débutant sur les outils et tactiques de trading, la gestion de l'argent, la discipline et la psychologie du trading

par Andrew Aziz
Explore plus

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